Single Premium or Lump Sum Investing

Single Premium or Lump Sum Investing

Jameson Financial can advise you on investing your money. We assess your needs and circumstances, establish your appetite for risk and then put a medium to long term strategic investment plan in place. As part of this, we will advise you on relevant issues such as diversification, volatility and the need to stay the course of your investment.

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You will have the opportunity to invest in a range of assets such as equities (company shares), property, government and corporate bonds; and even in the more specialised asset classes such as water, energy and ethical investment opportunities. You will also have the option to spread your investment through the purchase of units in a number of different funds in our range.

Jameson Financial also conducts regular investment performance reviews with their clients and fund switches can be made, if deemed appropriate.

To provide an investment solution that allows access to a range of funds that cater for many types of investors, from the cautious to the more adventurous, designed to outperform returns available on bank deposits.

Investment Term
The recommended time frame can vary by fund, but typically it is advised to invest for the medium to long term (at least 5-7 years).

Investment Amount
Minimum initial investment amount of €3,000 – €5,000 is required, and additional lump sums of €2,000 upwards can be made.

Regular Income Option
You can select to take up to 6% p.a. from your investment as a regular income. Exit tax will be deducted from regular income payments where exit tax is payable.

Fund Switching
You can switch the funds you are invested in at any stage, subject to certain restrictions on some specialised funds. Most providers allow a certain number of free switches in any given year with a €25 charge per switch thereafter.

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