It’s worth considering taking out Personal Accident Cover if Income Protection Insurance is not a viable option due to occupation or existing medical issues. Personal Accident Cover will pay you a weekly benefit for up to 12 months if you cannot work due to accident or injury. And when it comes to making a claim, Jameson Financial will make it easy for you.
Here are some Personal Accident claims made in 2018:
Female: Housewife Shoulder injury: €3,986
Male: Cleaner Fractured forearm: €1,757
Male: Sales Assistant Injury to hand: €2,143
Male: Baker Right knee injury €11,131
Male: Van Driver Right foot fracture €1,971
Male: Landscape Gardener Fracture of elbows and right wrist €3,914
Male: Painter Neck injury €3,621
Male: Farmer Sprained ankle €5,181
Female: Hotel Porter Fracture to finger €1,107
Female: Accounts Assistant Fractured humerus €3,948