About Us

About Us

Our principal, Dr David Jameson, has over thirty-five years’ experience in the financial services industry and is a Qualified Financial Advisor. He is a graduate of University College Dublin (B.A. & QFA.) and Trinity College Dublin (M.Phil. & Ph.D). During his four year Ph.D degree course he was trained on how to think critically and independently; as a sub-3 hour marathon runner he knows the importance of setting goals, formulating plans and then staying the distance. Everyday he brings these skills to his financial services practice.


Our Ethos

At Jameson Financial we guarantee that we will always be on your side: on the day you start your Pension or Income Protection Plan, but also on the day that you are unfortunate enough to be making a claim for an accident, specified illness or a death. Yes, we’ll support and advise you on the good days and the bad days. We’ll always be there.


Our Values

Our values are straightforward. We promise all our customers integrity, expertise and, in an uncertain world, a more secure future.